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Covid-19 Response


Covid -19 Response

Fight Against 

Covid-19 impact

8,154    families with Essential kit                           20,621 food parcel distributed 


50,126  Mask Distributed                                          521 Medical Equipment Distributed


6,555 vitamins tablets                                            105  Covid-19 Awareness camp 

Indian kabasura kudineer 


25+ medical camp conducted                                   500  Sanitary products     

Covid-19 Relief Activities 


Essential Distribution 

At the time of the corona virus outbreak there was a worldwide outbreak in which many places in Tamil Nadu were affected by the mentality that many names were forgotten and jobs were affected. Schools were affected In that situation the shops were closed and people lived with no way to eat But our charity worked hard to find people and provide them with their essentials.


We went to the most backward areas where there were no facilities and we gave them five kilos of rice and essential items especially in the affected areas of Tiruvallur and Kanchipuram. We did this work with our field workers.


provided overall 8154 families 



Food distribution 

During the corona virus  outbreak last May ,Especially in the affected place during the curfew our IPDA NGO organized the food Distribution  program by founder A.kumar Bsc.,M.A.,B.L with our volunteers maintained social distance and rules and regulation to   distributed 1000 parcel food daily distributed We have been especially helpful to the hill tribes, gypsi , migration workers, and Sri Lankan refugees , living on street people and families who have lost their jobs,  in areas where no facilities can be arranged, by searching their homes and giving them food parcels on behalf of 

 our NGO.

Especially in places like Tiruvallur district, Chennai district, Kanchipuram district, we are carrying out this work with our staff and at present we have bought  20621 food parcels distributed


Since last 2020 we have been going to the place where she is suffering and making food and basic necessities for the families .

so we ask for your help please contribute your donation 

help the needy.


Covid medical camp  

A medical camp had been set  by the IPDA NGO .in the camp. proper medical treatment of the people

Tiruvallur District  of and nearby area was done and remedial remedial measures

were provided .A blood pressure (BP) check was performed on every patient. After

That, they were sent to their respective doctors where they were appropriately

given the right directions regarding their health.

The Two Doctors carefully listened

to the problem the patient were facing and provided an appropriate solution to curb

it. Majority of the people were suffering from fever, high/low B.P and Joint pain.




Covid Awarness 

On behalf of our charity during the Corona virus we conducted an awareness camp for the people in the area through the Chennai Corporation and our groups and through art shows in Chennai and Tiruvallur and Kanchipuram districts on behalf of our site in an environment where they did not even dare to come out in fear.

step of instruction followed and explained with people 

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. ï‚· If soap and water are not readily available, sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. ï‚·

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth unwashed hands. ï‚· Avoid close contact with people who are sick ï‚· Put distance between yourself and other COVID-19 is spreading in your community. ï‚· Stay home if you’re sick ï‚· Cover your mouth and nose cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. ï‚· Throw used tissues in the trash. ï‚· Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, You do not need to wear a facemask you are caring for someone who is sick (and they are not able to wear a facemask and team members   over with the theme of ‘Preventing Corona Virus by following Social Distance, Hand Wash, Wearing Mask and eating and drinking healthy food and drink’. Seraphs Staff distributed soap and Face Mask to the public.

contribute Medical Equipment to Hospital and covid center

Food Ration kits for Tribal, Green Friends and Migration workers                                1000/kit


oxygen Concentrator                                                                                                              80,000/unit

( requesting to support 10 units)                                                                                                                          

Oxygen cylinder (46.7 L )                                                                                                          25,000/unit


sanitizer and mask  (1000 nos)                                                                                               5000/unit


your amount contribution makes a big Difference                                                                                                                  

Join Us

contribute Medical Equipment to Hospital and covid center


Supporting Communities in Equitable Recovery from Disasters

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