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 our IPDA NGO and have been helping many children, students and children abandoned by their parents on behalf of our charity, and we look forward to doing much more.IPDA educated the parents about their roles and responsibilities in the family regarding the significance of education, health and to ensure regular attendance of their children, house
visits are conducted regularly. The children are organized in to class wise small group and motivated group stud
y to disseminate knowledge to other children.

The children were facilitated to complete their homework and motivated to be attentive in class room. In order to enhance their hidden talents, various extracurricular activities like sports, quiz, cultural, singing and dance competition are conducted periodically.
In order to create impact on becoming high performers, the children were given class test,

particular has made it a priority to study among them, providing scholarships to school students, job, carrier programs, opportunities, skill development and advising them to put their children on a better path.

Education is a power and makes a person powerful

Reaching out to over 700 children

through  30 schools and anganwadi

free cost tuition center Education to more than 300 students annually   

yearly 1500 note book

Distribution for poor student  



Free Tuition center 

Sponsoring a child Education

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Our IPDA NGO we are conducting free education tuition center at 10 locations in Tiruvallur district. We provide books, notes and scholarships to the students every year. especially on behalf of our charity where there are no study facilities in the most backward areas especially for the tribal and fishermen and the very humble school children.

Through this IPDA NGO we will buy all the useful items we will study material for them and encourage them to study by giving them prizes in essay contests sports competitions dance competition and speech competition


Sponsoring a child is a personal way to show God’s love to a child in need

this program in such Rural and Urban where it finds lots of young children loitering in streets during regular school timing, which is taken as a more effective evidence of children dropping out of school system  This ensured that the parents had no hesitation in sending even a girl child to the school, and there was no cost of commute to school, either of time or transport cost.

Drop out Student

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parents are unable to educate their children to do their own business hinder their education and knowledge. some of these children from Gypsi, tribal see the poverty of their family and skip their studies and go to work to support their families. we trying to make the children study by providing employment to the family by livelihood.

we guide the govt school student provide them encourage and create orientation program to buy 1st prize them at the district level. and  on which course to study and we encourage them to try for higher education and job fair also .  

Join Us

our donation will improve the future of the child and family 

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