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Health Care

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Health interventions work to improve the access to quality healthcare services for the poor and marginalised communities. By identifying the root causes of healthcare challenges, we work at the individual, community, and systemic levels to develop innovative solutions and help implement quality healthcare services. The ambit of our work includes improving of maternal and reproductive health, child health and nutrition, and early identification and treatment of communicable diseases.

 Its key focus is improving access to quality healthcare services for people from the grassroots level belonging to the weaker sections of the society. In this pursuit, it runs Mobile Health Care Units

medical camp conducted 


more than 8000+ patients covered Annually  Health check up and medicines also provided them.

Mobile unit 

health care 


Rural mobile unit health care for without facility hospital in Tribal Area more than  2600+ patient covered.




malnutrition both awareness and nutrition items provided more than 1600+ children  

Awareness program


Awarness program and IEC activities both rural and urban for Drungs ,Health and Road safety more than 6000+ population covered .

A healthy family… is a happy family

"Health camp for Rural and Urban"

IPDA Mobile unit Health care 

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To be able to be there in the presence of so many individuals, sharing a little part of their lives, to provide medical treatment guidance and ultimately being able to help them .provided free medicines .we conduct various General  medical camp with Eye screening camps in Rural and urban conduct once a month in panchayat Especially area where there is no hospital.

we also provide counseling to some MI and patients to give them hope to live life.

​Mobile Medical Units (MMUs) to provide a range of health care services for populations living in remote, inaccessible, un-served and underserved areas mainly with the objective of taking healthcare service delivery to the doorsteps of these populations

Awareness program and IEC activities

Water and sanitation

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Through our IPDA NGO we are conducting Awareness on various concept and IEC activities also doing in various area. many people benefit from this awareness and thus create many changes in their lives.

our Aim is to bring forward some avenues of changes through this awareness


Our main aim to build a toilet and bring clean drinking water through tap at each home and schools.

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support us by Donating to the 
Health Care.

Donate a small helps to bring smiles in life of poor persons .

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